Frequently Asked Questions

Unsure of the services Shiftech can provide for you? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from our clients.

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Why should my firm use Shiftech?

Shiftech boasts the quality of candidates we deliver and the speed at which we deliver them to your team. As a boutique firm, Shiftech can remain “light” and adaptive making us a true extension of your team.

We succeed by hyper-focusing on your hiring needs and delivering pre-qualified candidates for you to interview. All candidates submitted are considered “impact players” that produce immediate ROI for your organization.

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What are the benefits of using Shiftech?

Beyond the obvious benefits like higher-quality candidates and faster time-to-hire, Shiftech can streamline your hiring pipeline in a number of different ways.

Take a private equity firm that just acquired a portfolio of companies, for example. One of the biggest challenges during the acquisition process is the management and integration of the acquired company's workforce. The acquired company may have a different culture, different processes, and different technology stacks, which can make it difficult to smoothly integrate the workforce. This is where Shiftech comes in.

We offer on-demand executive staffing solutions, which can be a valuable resource during the integration process. These solutions can provide the flexibility and scalability that is needed during the transition period, and can ensure that the acquired company's operations continue without interruption.

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What differentiates Shiftech from its competitors?

Qualified Candidates that won’t waste your time. Lightning-fast delivery times. A distributed network of talent agents.

These three qualities, above all else, are what set Shiftech apart from the competition. And you’ll see those differentiators reflected not only in the quality of the candidates we place, but in the hands-on support and consultative guidance our teams deliver to clients in real time.

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What pain points does Shiftech solve?

Unexpected vacancies can cause major pain for your company, leading to decreased productivity and financial loss. That’s when and why organization leaders turn to Shiftech as a resource for proactive talent management, to minimize disruption to your organization. Consider these example scenarios:

  • Your private equity company needs to replenish the entire leadership team to boost productivity and increase top-line revenue in the wake of merger and acquisition.

  • The CFO of your liquor distribution company unexpectedly quit.

  • Your company is looking to raise series B funding - but to do that, you’ll need an experienced finance executive to help prepare the financial models and funding documents.

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What services does Shiftech provide?

We’re a executive services firm that provides recruitment, on-demand executive resources, contingent and retained search services from high-level individual contributors to C-suite positions across IT, Finance/Accounting, Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Construction industries.

From a 30,000-foot view, our offerings include:

  • On-demand executive resources, contingent services and retained search services for every high-level role, plus direct reports to support our candidates in those roles, when needed.

  • Project-based consulting services to assist you achieve critical business goals.

  • Outsourced Human Resource services for onboarding, training, and risk management.

The bottom line? Shiftech can deliver value at every stage of the business life cycle.

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Which sectors do Shiftech support?

Shiftech supports a plethora of sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Information Technology

  • Private Equity

  • Finance & Accounting

  • Manufacturing

  • Healthcare

  • Construction

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How long does it take to get started with Shiftech?

No time at all - in fact, we can deploy talent almost immediately. Just tell us a little more about your needs. From there, one of our talent agents will be in touch to kick start the process.

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What turnaround time can I expect working with Shiftech?

While turnaround time for each engagement varies, we have a demonstrated track record of outperforming our competitors. Plus, we’re accustomed to delivering on expedited timelines.

The amount of time it takes us to complete an assignment varies depending on a number of significant factors, including:

  • the type of service needed

  • the length and scope of the engagement

  • the role being filled

  • the compensation

  • the client's candidate-selection criteria

  • the location

  • the market

There are more factors at play, but these are the most important.

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What is Shiftech’s process for matching clients with candidates?

We start every client engagement with a highly collaborative and consultative discovery call, where we outline the exact qualities the client is looking for.

Once we have a defined scope, we peruse an active approach to recruitment, directly contacting individuals with applicable skills. 70% of our candidates are currently working and not looking for new opportunities.

We then screen candidates on the following:

  • candidate-selection criteria (for example, must-have skills, nice-to-have skills, previous industry experience, culture fit and more)

  • the client’s current business environment

  • the client’s short and long-term goals

  • how success will ultimately be measured

From there, we tap into our large nationwide talent pool, leveraging tech tools and other advanced resources to make exceptional matches between candidates and companies.

The primary reason for accessing high-level on demand executives, is equally distributed talent, skills, speed/agility and cost benefits.

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How does Shiftech ensure candidate quality?

At Shiftech, we act as a filter in the hiring pipeline, screening candidates for your “hot-buttons”, passing on candidates that don’t match your needs and ensuring no time is wasted.

The bottom line is that all candidates submitted to our clients are people we want to represent.

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Where does Shiftech source candidates?

We recognize that most of the best talent are already employed and are not looking for new opportunities. That’s why we deploy active recruitment strategies like “headhunting” where our talent agents scour the market place.

All candidates sourced through Shiftech are either:

  • people who have been headhunted from competitor organizations or sister industries that have the exact hard skills that you are looking for.

  • seasoned leaders who we’ve worked with directly in the past, so we know their work, qualities, skill sets, and personalities.

  • experienced professionals who have been personally referred to us by reliable sources — that is, by other leaders who've worked with them in the past and have been exposed to what they can do.